Let’s talk language again…

I can understand people’s beliefs / claims (substantiated or not) that the repercussions of certain given (and, most likely, otherwise unmentioned) examples of language in use can sometimes be unpredictable, or misleading, or pernicious, or more than one of these. For example, what term(s) would you use to describe this song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrBj3u5dPgM Stupid? Dumb? Silly? Meaningless? Puerile? Maybe even retarded, much as that term tends to be frowned upon by the PC community (with varying levels of understanding and sincerity); much as it is often applied to certain “bad” ideas or situations by people who feel resentment toward them for reasons which do not necessarily lie only in their comfort zone; or even if you actually found it amusing (i.e. “positive”; and I fully understand if you wouldn’t admit that readily)? I leave you free to look up “retarded” in another language and debate how much the… well, actual meanings of the word are paralleled in other languages, and other cultures.

If you want my opinion, I would describe this song as dumb and senseless – how could you even grab a wasp, especially without killing it? And, without wishing to be cruel, some of the bizarre and wholly unexpected ideas and illustrations I encountered here are enough to make just about anyone wonder about the creator’s state of mind at the time, or indeed at any time.

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got to say about it. George out.