I usually have little to no relationship with my clients outside of doing work for them, but I once asked existing clients in France and Germany how they, as native speakers, would translate a certain common English expression with somewhat irregular wording in French and German. It was “We might as well get used to it” https://www.facebook.com/GeorgeTrailTranslator/posts/1779300108826719?__tn__=K-R Well here I have done it again; this time the expression was “They are just asking for it”. Well, why not? Someone new to the expression might not realise instantly that there is always supposed to be some sort of negative implication with it, like someone has done something bad, or been stupid or arrogant or whatever, and they deserve to be punished for it in some way. Anyway…

From a French native speaker I got this: “Ils le cherchent bien” (literally “they are indeed looking for it”).

From a German native speaker I got this: “Sie fordern es geradezu heraus” (literally: “they are almost calling it out”).

Maybe I might as well have translated it as “They deserve everything they get.” Let me know what you think.