CHECK OUT THIS GIRL This is Trixi, a young German woman who has posted a number of educational videos on Youtube about the German language. I recommend visiting her channel to anyone who wants to learn German / improve their German. With my knowledge of German, and given what I do, I have actually posted a blog featuring one of her videos before (included on the Facebook page of the translation agency Language Reach in London, date 17th March 2017). Now, although in these videos she doesn’t teach any aspects of German grammar or vocabulary or phrases that anyone thinking of heading to Germany is actually likely to require she’s been quite happy to provide a list of German insults, a list of German sayings, and “10 most beautiful German words” among others in various videos – but you just know as well as I do that she’s not the only one who has made lists like these. I mean, any German could make videos like these without really thinking that much – just see what comes to mind as examples of something and expect credit for it. And that’s all they are: lists for a bit of fun; and an end in itself. And while there’s nothing wrong with that, I don’t want to just post links to those in a cheap attempt to gain attention as a professional translator. They may be fun but they don’t help to illustrate my own authority when it comes to foreign languages.

That said, she deserves a more sincere kind of credit for thinking of and creating videos like this one, in which she shows 28 meanings for one German word. In doing so she shows us just how confusing German can be – touches on more subtle issues in German which would never strike a beginner or an opportunistic learner. I can say the same thing for her videos “Don’t confuse these 10 German words!” and “6 easy German phrases most non-Germans won’t get” among others.