Just last month I posted a blog article with the title “Expressions I really do wish I was taught at school” – at the time, I just never thought of all these Latin expressions people use all the time even today even though Latin is supposedly a “dead tongue”; they are both numerous and useful / convenient. For me personally, knowing the expression “de facto” is capable of helping one to understand and describe, quite simply, reality situations, if you don’t mind me generalising, and this I touched on in the article I just mentioned. And this expression is not the only one. Here’s a good article for reference on the subject

Having said that, just before Christmas I posted this other blog article with the title “Multilingual (legal) Christmas wishes”. I am thinking of specialising in legal translation, knowing that law has loads of Latin terms (habeas corpus, actus reus and mens rea for starters). But I have another job for a regular client right now, so until then, watch this space…